How to improve your decision-making skills in 7 steps

As an employer in the tennis industry it can be difficult to find the right applicant. You probably had to deal with several candidates for the same vacancy. In these moments it is very hard to select the right candidate, they all seem equally good! Choice stress is increasing, and you no longer know how to distinguish candidates from each other. In the end, choices have been made and you find out that you should have chosen another applicant. What went wrong in the selection process? What could have gone better? In this blog you will be able to read a number of important skills that can help you to deal better with difficult decision-making situations.   

1. Don’t watch the clock

Time is perhaps the most important factor to consider. Most wrong choices are made by impulsive short-term choices. It often happens that decisions have to be made in the short term, but even then it is important to make an informed decision. Make sure that you collect the correct information and that you can come to different options to make a final choice.

It is also important not to act out of emotion. Time is needed to make the right decision. When you make a choice out of emotion or stress, you will miss certain information which can lead to mistakes being made. Pressure from other people can also play a role, don’t be afraid to tell people that you need extra time to make the right decision. Ultimately, you spend less time on the right choice than if you make the wrong choice.

2. Create an ideal image

Before you evaluate the options, it is useful to sketch an ideal applicant. What does the ideal candidate look like? What qualities and skills does this person need to possess to be able to get the position. Having this image clear will make it easier to achieve the desired result.

3. Look at the pros and cons

By looking at the pros and cons of each candidate, a good overview is created. This overview shows at a glance which candidates have the most advantages and which ones have the most disadvantages. This way it is easier to make an informed decision-making choice.

4. Ask for the opinion of other people

When you are faced with a difficult decision, it is really important to ask for help. Other people can give you insights that can lead to ideas you never thought of before. New ideas may help you make an easier decision-making choice.

5. Take advantage of your experiences

Ask yourself whether you have faced a similar dilemma in the past. Think about how you solved things for yourself. Which choices did you make? Were they successful or not? If it has been successful you might be able to apply it. And if not? Then at least you know what you shouldn’t do at the moment.

6. Measure your result

Once the decision has been made, it is important to evaluate this decision. Try to measure the expectations you had in advance with the final result. Did the candidate meet the expectations? Use this information to make better decisions/vacancies in the future.

7. Make mistakes

It’s okay to make mistakes. The most important factor is that you need to learn from them. Learning from your mistakes is part of growing as a professional. A personal mistake doesn’t make you a bad tennis coach. Everyone makes mistakes, the only question is how you can convert them into strengths.

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