About Course
Tennis Wall University Pro Course
You will receive 4 separate videos including a 100+ page pdf/workbook, (which will be send to you separately by email).
The first video will consists of a brief explanation of your Human Potential. The second video we will explain the Introduction to the Wall. The third video will consist of discovering your Human Sensors and the the fourth video we will explain how to Develop your Inner Coach.
Additional free bonus Material will be added in the near future.
The duration of the 4 videos is one hour in content however if you follow the entire course including filing out the work book and a wall practise session this will consist off, at least, one day.
Do you want in addition a 2 hour “live” Master Class? Both Frits and Sven are available for private sessions by request. Please check out this module.
Course Content
Your Human Potential
Your Human Potential